Welcome to A24 + Canonical Ubuntu

A24 is proudly the European Distributor for Canonical Ubuntu.

Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT. On desktops Ubuntu usability and visuals are superior and works better than any other Linux deployment.

In cloud environments it delivers stability at minimal cost whilst delivering the latest technology releases as they become available. It is also the platform that reliably supports applications developed for cloud deployment.

Ubuntu Pro also now offers enterprises a ten year support lifecycle with security hardening and patching tools to make it a credible alternative to RHEL based Linux environments like CentOS.

Did you know cloud providers offer and support the Ubuntu operating system more prevalently than any other and it is frequently the first choice in the cloud?

Consider Canonical Ubuntu with the biggest community behind the operatiing system and more developers use Ubuntu than any other distribution of Linux.

Operating Systems with A24 and Ubuntu and get:


More up to date releases, with a more rapid release schedule making new technology in Linux readily available, 2| LTS versions enable stable build standards to be completed even when utilising up to date technology, 3| Easy upgrade path between major releases, 4| Most widely deployed cloud OS, 5|Reference platform for Ubuntu, and 6| Biggest community behind the OS – and more developers use Ubuntu than any other distribution of Linux.


Security Technical Implementation Guides like the CIS benchmark have hundreds of configuration recommendations, so hardening and auditing a Linux system manually can be very tedious and error-prone. A24 provide trusted professional services to identify and remediate operating system vulnerabilities to provide peace of mind and help meet regulatory requirements.


Once you have migrated to a stable and secure Enterprise linux platform, we offer a life cycle management service, which includes remote patch management.

We offer full Linux lifecycle management including, Discovery - Structured documentation; Design - Future state & implementation plan; Implementation - End-to-end project management; and Management - Ticked based support & patch management.


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